Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Guess what? We've talked about goals and stuff and things but we didn't talk about priority one. Seeking God first. Now, not only am I guilty of this with this blog, but sometimes I do it IRL. That means "in real life" for those who aren't up on gamer speak. I can get real excited about doing something without even asking God if I can or should do it.
I don't mean things like, "Um Lord, should I go into the strip club?" The answer to that is pretty obvious. Of course I should so I can witness to those poor lost girls! Haha yeah right. Wifey ain't havin' none of that. What I mean is every day kind of stuff and occasional kind of stuff.
Every day stuff.
Yes God wants to be involved in your life. Every part of it. All the time. Ask Him what to wear, what route to take to work, what kind of toilet paper you should buy, don't assume that because it has the word heavenly in it that God is the CEO of the company. You are not wasting God's time. Because you know what? He exists outside of time. I know. Mind blown. Deal with it. As Christians we worship the God of all creation. That includes time. I might get more into this in a future post more geared towards apologetics. Suffice it to say He is not too busy.
Occaisional stuff. This includes things like getting together with certain people, be they friends or just general bad influences. Or buying a new video game or car or 4X4 from in n out. These are things that we do once in a while, but ask God what He thinks. We have the free will to do all the dumb useless stuff we want to, but perhaps we should take wise counsel from an omniscient God that knows how things will turn out regardless of the path we take. And no, foreknowledge is not causality. Again that is a topic for an apologetics post.
Oh, and don't spend all day playing video games when you should be cleaning up or folding laundry or mowing the lawn. The queen of the castle doesn't appreciate when you don't do stuff you said you were going to do. If you're not a gamer then substitute "playing video games" with whatever other pointless crap you fill up your time with. Happy wife, happy life. It rhymes And it's true so that means you should listen to it.
Set priorities.
Yes it's okay to put yourself first now and then, but if you do it too often then that just makes you an ass. Trust me. Takes one to know one. I'm an ass. I see you.